News Type: Article

Patched Chromecast with Google TV exploit bypassed Android Verified Boot

Following this month’s updates to both the HD and 4K models of Chromecast with Google TV, DirectDefense’s OT/Hardware Security Hardware Consultant Nolen Johnson and two other LineageOS developers have shared the details of a (now-patched) exploit that enabled rooting the dongle by entirely bypassing Android Verified Boot. Read Kyle Bradsaw’s take on the exploit on 9to5… Read more »

Top Cybersecurity Threats for 2024 – Expect More Sophisticated Attacks, More Cunning Bad Actors

In 2024, organizations must reassess Cybersecurity strategies due to evolving threats that target on-premise cloud environments. Increased attacker investments require updates to internal and external security measures. In this VMBlog article, DirectDefense President and CTO Jim Broome shares top Cybersecurity threats for 2024 and prevention tips. Read the full article on VMblog.  

Staying Ahead of the Game: Top Cybersecurity Trends of 2024

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, staying informed about cybersecurity trends is not just an option; it’s a necessity. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, so too do the tactics and strategies employed by cybercriminals. Jim Broome, President and CTO, DirectDefense, shared his top cybersecurity trends to watch for in 2024. Read the… Read more »

Unmasking the Hidden Dangers of AI in Edge Computing

Delve into the world of edge computing and AI in this eye-opening article. Jim Broome, President and CTO of DirectDefense explores the limitations of current testing playbooks and the importance of developing AI-assisted tools that address these challenges head-on. Read the full article on AI-Tech Park.  

The Five Stages of Grief: Coping With a Data Breach

Have you been a victim of a data breach? You’re not alone. The five stages of grief–denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance–were developed by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in a book she published called On Death and Dying. Having guided many customers through data breach events to remediation, we’ve seen the “five stages of grief” model in action.… Read more »

Why Cybersecurity is a Blue-Collar Job

Why should we treat cybersecurity as a blue-collar job? The talent gap is evident – more jobs than skilled individuals. A major hurdle is the four-year college degree norm, often failing to equip graduates with hands-on cybersecurity skills. Moreover, the high cost deters young adults. Read DirectDefense President and CTO Jim Broome’s piece where he… Read more »

Application Security Concerns on the Rise, But MSSPs are Here to Help

Amid a growing cyber skills gap, organizations turn to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) like DirectDefense to enhance their cybersecurity posture and resource management. Enterprise Security Tech spoke with Jim Broome, President and CTO, DirectDefense to talk about the challenges around application security gaps and popular attacker tactics. Read the full article on Enterprise Security… Read more »

Article for InformationWeek

ChatGPT Amplifies IoT, Edge Security Threats

ChatGPT can be a useful customer service agent. Unfortunately, customers aren’t the only ones it helps, especially now that ChatGPT sits on many IoT and edge devices. “Existing vulnerabilities, especially in the context of AI and ChatGPT-enabled or assisted attacks against edge devices and users, can be leveraged against businesses in different ways,” says Jim… Read more »

2023 Security Operations Threat Report